Weekly Census FTES


For English 1 (Tues & Th 8:00-10am)

(28 students × 4 hours per week) = 112 WSCH
112 WSCH × 16.3 = 1825.60
1825.60 ÷ 525 = 3.47 FTES

Notes: In addition to the lecture enrolled component, you might
also have a lab enrolled component. That can be calculated the
same way. If the lab is one day a week from 6-9pm, than (40
students x 3 hours/wk)=120 WSCH. Than 120 WSCH x 16.3 = 2100 and
2100 ÷ 525 = FTES

(Resident students active on census day)


? × 16.3 =

? ÷ 525 =
